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Veo Lux – first rehearsal

April 11, 2005

Had a short rehearsal today to see how some of the electronics will work, and for the players to see the music for the first time (I still don’t have the piece finished, but I’m closing in on it). It’s going to be a fun piece – it uses some of the same types of rhythmic interplay between groupings of 4 and 3 16th notes that I used in RedLine, but not quite as difficult. I hope to finish the piece soon, since we have two more rehearsals, and then the premieres on April 19th and 22nd! The April 19th date is new – just found out it was added a couple of days ago. It will be at the Chelsea Art Museum. More details here.

Here’s the Juilliard Electric Ensemble rehearsing this afternoon:

Must finish this piece now…
