St. Charles East HS success!
I neglected to take any pictures while I was there, but the St. Charles East HS Wind Ensemble did a fine job with Bloom and Radiant Joy. I conducted Bloom, and even though I totally got lost for two or three bars (and did the round “I’m lost” pattern until I got back on the horse), they played right on through without the slightest hiccup. I really enjoyed conducting the group, but also really enjoyed letting Maestro Jim Kull conduct Radiant Joy… 🙂
Also enjoyed speaking to the Music Theory classes. Best question: “Do you have anything that sounds … epic…you know, like something that makes you want to punch a dragon?”. Awesome.
(I had no idea how to answer that. Anyone out there ever think of punching a dragon after hearing any of my music?).
Huge thanks to Jim Kull for his persistent support of my (and all of BCM’s) music.