Rolling Stones at Juilliard
Since it’s now all over the news, I guess it’s no longer a secret: the Rolling Stones are playing 3 tunes at Juilliard this Tuesday, May 10th, about 1pm, to announce their new tour. They’re only letting about 150 students onto the Plaza to hear them, so I imagine it’ll be a mob scene. I’ll try to catch them from the back entrance as they enter through the President’s office (I find this hilarious) to where they’re performing. I’ve never been a huge Stones fan, but it’ll be fun to watch everyone lose their sh*t over this. We had to run an extra ethernet line to the Plaza so all the press hordes could have internet access for the event. I guess the fact that we already offer wireless access on the plaza just went right over their heads…
Anyway, I don’t know if “the public” will be able to get close or not – probably close enough to hear if you’re anywhere on the plaza at Lincoln Center. So, come on out if you dig the Stones.