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Helpful tip: don’t drop your laptop computer

November 25, 2007

…because that will likely break it, especially if there’s a USB thumb drive in one port, and it lands *on* that drive, and smashes it deep into your computer, causing some…distress… to the innards.

All that to say I won’t be posting much until my computer returns, which will be another week at least. To everyone in the Langley HS Wind Symphony I met last weekend in Seattle, great concert, and I really liked meeting all of you! If you took pictures, please send them to me when you get a chance.

Coming up in less than a week – the world premiere of First Light by the New York Symphonic Band, under the direction of Ray Cramer. If you’re in the Rochester, NY area, please come to the concert on Sunday. I’ll be in town for the entire conference, Thurs. night-Sun. afternoon. Look forward to finally seeing Eastman (I’ve never been).

Hope to have a report and even a recording shortly thereafter – depending on when I get a working computer, I’ll post it up here.
