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Bowling Green State University – New Music Festival

August 17, 2005

I’ll be a guest composer at the New Music and Art Festival at Bowling Green State University in Bowling Green, Ohio at the end of October. The Wind Ensemble, under Bruce Moss, will be performing all of Alchemy in Silent Spaces, and the orchestra, under Emily Freeman Brown, will be performing Loose Id for Orchestra on Saturday, October 29th. I’m particularly excited to hear Loose Id again – it’s only been performed once, over eight years ago, by the Juilliard Symphony. I’m honored to have both of these groups perform my music as a part of this festival, and I look forward to meeting everyone associated with it!

If you’re anywhere in the area, come on out – they have a several concerts of chamber music, discussions, some electra-acoustic stuff, as well as the large ensemble concerts, so there should be plenty of new music to take in over the course of that weekend. The wonderful Sam Adler is the featured guest composer. The dates are October 27th-29th – take a look at their website for more details.
