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Back in the US

August 13, 2006

Beethoven’s grave in the Zentralfriedhof, in Vienna:

I’m finally back in the US after an extended and spectacular stay in Austria and surrounding countries. Too much to describe in this post, but it was truly phenomenal. I’m going back next summer.

Flying back last Thursday was less spectacular (though I did get a free upgrade to Business Class, somehow, which made the 10 hour flight really quite enjoyable). Didn’t know about the British terrorist arrests until I arrived in Atlanta and found myself in madhouse of security lines. Woohoo. Made it through (though I had to repack my wine, schnapps, and Italian olive oil in the checked luggage – no way I’m going to let the TSA have those!). Now I’m back in Arkansas for a short time while I finish this new piece for Jack Stamp and IUP, and then move to Bowling Green, OH, to begin my residency in a couple of weeks.

I’ll come up for air again sometime after that…gotta come up with a title for this piece – sometimes I think coming up with titles is more difficult than composing. Sometimes.

Oh – one last thing – a new version of my piece “Loose Id” for the Sound Inn Brass ensemble will be premiered at Midwest this December. If you’re at the convention, you MUST come to this concert. I heard them perform in Austria, and they’re pros. Wall of sound. Amazing. Don’t miss this concert – you’ll love it.

Auf Wiedersehen!
