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Austria again!

June 3, 2008

Tomorrow I leave for Austria, which of course I always eagerly look forward to (the ‘being there’ part, not the ‘getting there’ part). At Mid-Europe this summer I’ll be giving a 3 day masterclass on composing, as well as a workshop for beginning composers, and then during the first week of August, I’ll be guest composer in residence at the Bavarian Summer Music Academy (I can’t find the link at the moment). All the while working madly on the Winds+Electronics piece, which is now scheduled for an October 23rd premiere by Bruce Moss and the Bowling Green Wind Ensemble (part of their annual New Music and Art Festival), followed mere days later on October 26th by Jerry Junkin and the UT Wind Ensemble. So…busy summer!

Now I must figure out how to fit all these hard drives in my backpack…
