Synthetic Sunlight ELECTRONICS
Download the Ableton Live Set for performance of Synthetic Sunlight here.
These files are only for use by ensembles that have rented the work, or who are part of the commissioning consortium. No other use of these files is permitted without prior written consent from Steven Bryant.
Ableton Live Suite Trial (version 11.3.3 or later)
The electronics component is very similar to my work The Machine Awakes. There are 10 cues triggered by an extra player at certain points in the music. NO click track or headphone is necessary for the conductor. The rhythm is clear in the electronic component, so that the ensemble and conductor should be able to easily align with the track. A good sound system, preferably behind the ensemble and just above the percussionists’ heads, is required, and an extra monitor next to the conductor’s podium is strongly encouraged.
How it works in performance
A player (likely sitting at the laptop computer and mixing board in the audience) triggers each numbered cue by pressing the corresponding number on the computer keyboard. It is also helpful if someone (either the same person or another) can also adjust the levels of the mix to better balance with the band, since the levels will change depending on how full the hall is, how much adrenaline the band has, etc.
Required Equipment
- Laptop computer (preferably Macintosh, but Windows will also work)
- Ableton Live Suite 11 or higher (demo version is fine – no need to purchase it).
- Powerful PA system. Subwoofer strongly encouraged. An extra monitor speaker for the conductor is a good idea if possible.