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Veo Lux – The Allen Room

April 23, 2005

Juilliard’s “Beyond the Machine” electroacoustic series culminated tonight at The Allen Room (Jazz @ Lincoln Center), with a diverse group of pieces and approaches to using technology in music. My piece went well, and the quartet deserves a huge “thank-you” for playing their arms off on it. Let’s hope we can do the rumored recording session in the near future!

I don’t have any good pictures of the quartet from tonight – they turned out too blurry. Here’s one of the hall earlier in the evening before the concert, so you can get a sense of how amazing this place is:

That’s Columbus Circle in the background, and the beginning of Central Park off to the left.

Here are some of my fan club (they don’t know they’re in it, since I just now made it up…;):

l-r: Maria, Craig, Newm, me, Mr. Wang, Tina, Dave

This is on the main concourse of the Time Warner AOL building where the concert was. We’re gathered around an enormous, anatomically correct statue of some dude. Poor guy had scratch marks on his wang…

Anyway, the piece rocked out, and once I have a solid recording, I’ll be posting it here, in full, for your ear-tickling pleasure.

Next up: finish the extended drumset part for RedLine for perc. quartet ASAP – they’re premiering it soon!

Must sleep now, though…
