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UMass Amherst and Rhode Island College (with a little Brown Univ. thrown in)

February 28, 2006

I’m off this morning to work with Laura Rexroth’s wind ensemble at UMass Amherst on the first movement of Alchemy in Silent Spaces, followed by two days at Rhode Island College in Providence speaking to classes and working with Rob Franzblau’s group, culminating in a joint concert with Brown University’s wind ensemble (led by Matthew McGarrell) on Friday night (Brown is performing Dusk and RIC is doing all of Alchemy), then back to Amherst for their concert on Saturday night (this is a preparatory concert for their CBDNA performance coming up in March at Montclair State University, for which I’ll also be in attendance).

Reports from the road, and probably some complaining about the weather. The high today where I’m currently sitting will be 71F. The temperature in Amherst when I woke up this morning was…. ONE DEGREE FAHRENHEIT. 1.

1 single lonely little degree.

Hopefully some more will show up to keep it company before I arrive…
