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to Austria and beyond

July 2, 2006

I’ve been neck-deep in this new piece for Jack Stamp‘s wind ensemble at IUP, thus the lack of timely blogging. The piece will be a 4-5 minute opener, and so far feels very bright and shiny in character. The premiere is October 17th, so I have a little time, but I’m heading to Austria and surrounding areas for for five weeks, starting this Wednesday, so I’m trying to finish the piece pronto.

First stop in Austria: Mid-Europe! This is a week-long music convention/festival held in Schladming, Austria each summer, somewhat akin to the Midwest Clinic in Chicago each December, except with less snow and more mountains. I’ll be one of the section leaders for the World Youth Wind Orchestra Project, and I’ll be presenting a workshop on my music on Friday (July 14th, 4-5pm). After that, it’s off to some vacationing in Italy, a short stop in southern Germany for a gig with the Moesenbichler sisters and friends (where it’s rumored I might be enlisted to play Xylophone), as well as a rehearsal of one of my pieces with Joachim Buch’s wind orchestra in Ottobeuren. Then it’s back to Austria, before heading to Prague to produce a recording session for some tracks from Eric‘s Paradise Lost. This is going to be fun…

Oh, and on an unrelated note, JM and I recently completed Strangers, our follow-up collaboration to “Wrong About Me.” This one was a long-distance collaboration, with the trusty internet bridging the gap.
