Spring, 2017
I’ve been incredibly fortunate in my compositional life of late, and wanted to briefly share a few things you might find interesting or relevant (especially if you’re a band, orchestra, or choral nerd!).
Upcoming premieres
- July 7, 2017: SATB choral work for the BBC Singers conducted by Eric Whitacre.
- July 18, 2017: Wind band suite for the National Intercollegiate Band at the Kappa Kappa Psi / Tau Beta Sigma’s National Convention – Orlando, FL
- April 6-7, 2018: Detroit Symphony Orchestra and Leonard Slatkin premiere a newly commissioned work of mine.
- Spring 2019: Large wind band work for the University of Illinois in celebration of the 150th Anniversary of their band program
- Mid-2019: Euphonium quartet + wind band work for the FivE Quartet – premiering in Sydney, Australia
Upcoming residencies and appearances
This spring I will be traveling quite a bit. Would love to see you if you’re nearby:
- Texas Youth Wind Symphony, March 4-5, Austin, TX
- American Bandmasters Association Convention, March 8-11, Lexington, KY – Nothing Gold Can Stay – University of Kentucky
- CBDNA Convention, March 15-18, Kansas City, MO – Nothing Gold Can Stay – Michigan State University
- Western Michigan University, April 12-14, Kalamazoo, MI – Concerto for Trombone with Joseph Alessi
- Blue Valley West High School, May 8-10, Kansas City, KS – Ecstatic Waters
- Lone Star Wind Orchestra, May 12-14, Dallas, TX – Nothing Gold Can Stay and more
New works on sale now
- Nothing Gold Can Stay is now available in print format (as well as PDF)
- The Blue Bird, my arrangement for wind band of C.V. Stanford’s beautiful choral work
- Concerto for Alto Saxophone PIANO REDUCTION
sevenfive for brass quartet on new Gaudete Brass album
My brass quartet sevenfive was recently recorded and released by Gaudete Brass on their album “The John Corigliano Effect”. Available here and all over the place.
Spring sale – Paean scores
We have a couple of Paean: Chant & Triumph combo scores we’re looking to sell for $20 each. Please note these scores were created before the pieces were split into separate works, so measure numbers for Triumph may not coordinate with new parts (the music has not changed, however). This is a very inexpensive way to get both scores at the same time! Email Sarah to purchase.