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My website turns 20

July 6, 2015

Since 1995, I’ve been designing, coding, and maintaining my website myself, and it had grown into a byzantine mess of barely-working PHP and CSS held together with duct-tape and hope. Things like SoundCloud, YouTube videos, online shop, etc have all been bolted on Frankenstein-style over the years. Also, it was unusable on phones (the last redesign was in 2002!). Anyhoo, here’s the new site, expertly designed by Damien du Toit.

Music: My music. All of it, NOW 100% MORE FILTERABLE! Choose an ensemble, a difficulty, a duration, genre/style, and go to town. There are scores (PDF, downloadable, printable, free!), recordings, purchase options, errata, program notes, on and on and on.

Shop: Yes, I take credit cards! Yes, I take Purchase Orders! Yes, I take checks! Yes, I’ll take a Tesla Model S!

Concerts: Upcoming concerts. There are MANY I don’t know are happening, so if you’re playing my music, please submit your concert here! I’d love to hear from you.

Blog: The blerg. You are Here.

Biography: The me.

Contact: Questions, comments, anything at all for either me or Sarah Meals. Use this email for all contact, not Facebook messaging, not Twitter, not carrier pigeons, not smoke signals, though a cup with a string might work.

I also take lots of photos, a few of which you’ll see on Instagram, but most are on Flickr. Also my videos, mostly from mountains and lakes in Austria.

Now, off to Munich and Strasbourg for rehearsals and a performance this Friday (10 July 2015) of my Concerto for Alto Saxophone at the World Sax Congress / SaxOpen with Joe Lulloff, Johann Mösenbichler, and the Polizeiorchester Bayern.
