Livingston HS Wind Symphony – “Dusk” performance
Last night, I had the pleasure of conducting “Dusk” with the Livingston High School Wind Symphony. We finally had the entire band there (having a trombone section definitely helps!), and they did a great job with the piece. I think we woke some people up with that climax section!
A big “thank you” to Mike Jedwabnik, the LHS Band Boosters, and the Wind Symphony for inviting me out and letting me work with the band – you’ve got a strong program, and the large audience turnout is fantastic! Also a shout-out to Jordan the trumpet player for teaching me the sunburst handshake. I feel infinitely cooler now…
Here’s the Livingston HS director posse at the local Applebee’s after the concert. Thanks for the after-concert hang – I learned more than I ever thought I’d know about laying out brick and stone patios, and cutting them in circular patterns with a diamond-blade saw… 🙂
Hopefully I’ll get everyone’s names right: (l-r) Amedeo, John Brian (sorry!), Heather, Jim, Mike, me.