91 F
It’s 91 degrees here at the moment. In February. I’m trying to avoid turning on the air conditioner, because that seems so decadent and un-Earth-friendly in the middle of WINTER. I’m loving this sunny warm winter, but sure am glad I won’t be around for the summer…
Random miscellaneous:
Dusk scores are sold out at Hal Leonard for the moment, but Shattinger Music has some in stock if you need them. A brand new printing of both scores and sets is coming soon, with some minor revisions (mostly changes that I end up making when conducting it, so now they’ll finally be codified). The new score and set also includes an optional Harp part, which I’ll post for download on the Dusk page.
Also, I’m working on Dusk for symphony orchestra – I think it will make a great youth orchestra work. Amazing how the strings solve a lot of the sustain/breathing issues from the wind version. I have about a third of it finished. Have two possible performances lined up in the Fall – in two countries! More on that later in the year as plans are confirmed.
Arkansas Composers at Arkansas Tech University in Russellville. They’ll be performing “First Light,” and I’ll finally get to do my first ‘gig’ with my old teacher, Francis McBeth! The forum and concert are on April 1st (not a joke!). Don’t get to do many gigs in my home state of Arkansas, so this is a welcome event!
Going to Fort Wayne, IN on April 20th for a guest residency with Jim Colonna’s group at Indiana University Purdue University -Fort Wayne (cumbersome enough name for you?). They’ll be playing Radiant Joy.
The neighbors’ puppy, Flower, on a little hike with us this weekend:
She’s a cutie.
Back to procrastinating on the winds and electronics piece. I have a five-movement architecture laid out, but I can draw Corigliano-sketch-pictures all day long. Making the leap from there to actual notes is the chasm no one can teach you to jump across.